Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Guess who's eye!


  1. Yeah, I get to be the first to guess!
    1. Black ears
    2. Jenny
    3. Cade
    4. Blake
    5. Kaya (I don't know if I spelled it right, but I mean your new American Girl doll!)

    Is there a prize involved in this? I hope so!

  2. Just to claify, that was me, aunt Nicholle, who made that last comment. Just in case I got all of them right and there is a prize involved I don't want any of my daughters taking credit!

  3. Sorry Nicholle,
    I'm pretty sure it goes:
    1. Black Ears
    2. Amy
    3. Cade
    4. Jenny
    5. Kaya

    Seriously, am I or am I not your favorite uncle?

  4. 1. Black Ears
    2. Amy
    3. Cade
    4. Blake
    5. Kaya (I didn't know that was your doll's name. Good thing I didn't guess first)
    What a great idea. Your family has cool eye colors. If we did that in our family you wouldn't be able to tell us apart. We all have brown.

  5. 1. black ears
    2. jenny
    3. blake
    4. amy
    5. kaya
    did I get it right...

  6. I don't know who's eyes go what people; I just know tht is a kind of spooky!

  7. I don't care what Amy says, I declare Logan the winner for guessing Amy's pretty eye was mine instead of the tired, "oh crap, it's a snow day and the kids don't have school and Amy took this picture before I could put on any makeup" eye.
